About Us

clickTRUE Singapore Office

“The company that needs a new machine tool, and hasn't bought it, is already paying for it.”
- Charles Thomas Munger

Jackie Lee
Chief Executive Officer | clickTRUE

At clickTRUE, we believe Helping People To Buy Is the Best Way To Sell.

The company’s vision is to become an admired digital consultancy with people-sustainable practices that delivers strategic inbound marketing and business intelligence solutions for the sector leaders in the B2B & Higher Education industries with bold sustainability aspirations. 

We are huge believers of Inbound Marketing and Marketing Lifecycle Solutions. It’s a method of attracting, engaging, and delighting people that provides value, and builds trust. In fact, we've been doing that more than 25 years since 1998. clickTRUE is a digital marketing consulting group founded by the former owners of the No. 1 Tech Content & Portal in SE Asia - HardwareZone.com empowering SE Asia tech community with the power to decide.

We’re an experienced trusted team of business-minded marketers with a rare combination of performance-based strategy thinking, converting creativity, and technical proficiency all tied together with a can-do attitude to better service your companies' challenges and ambitious goals in your digital transformation journey.

“Surely there must be a better way to do digital marketing - that is less painful, uncomplicated, sustainable, and good for business!”
And we're here to help you do just that.

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”
- Bruce Lee

Engineers at heart, marketers by trade.
Most of the time, our right fit clients see clickTRUE as a digital marketing and growth management consultancy with no fluff; just logical systematically in helping them to grow better.

At clickTRUE, there are quite a few things we do and will continue to represent,
We’re an experienced team of business-minded marketers with a rare combination of performance-based strategy thinking, converting creativity, and technical proficiency all tied together with a can-do attitude to better service your companies'​ challenges and ambitious goals.

Humans + Ai + Technology Partners = Awesomely Bionic
We take your sales and marketing data, marry it with artificial intelligence from our technology partners and align it with your stated business goals. The aim - to produce recommendations to improve results from good enough to awesome. And in a structured, repeatable manner, of course.

We provide digital business strategy & consultation to make clear your buyer's persona and communicate with your sales and management team on why, who and how you can grow better your business online. This will greatly reduce the wastage and conflicts from sales-marketing mis-alignment.

We build & design pages that don't just look great but work effectively to deliver business results.
We help you find out more about your clients'​ experience in their holistic journey to Attract, Engage, Delight.We help you to understand your data and provide the right content for their clients'​ needs.

Our purpose is to make digital transformation less painful for companies and help you to adapt & strive in the digital revolution. Always be learning to become a more useful, helpful and holistic preferred marketing partner to not just grow but grow better with you and your business.

You're in good company
Hundreds and thousands of projects have been executed by our certified and award-winning consultants, designers and client success folks for some of the world's best companies ranging from mid to large sizes firms to nonprofits & startups. All in our backyard of Singapore, Malaysia and the rest of South-East Asia.

“Get leads that sales loves”
"Need to increase the quality of leads"
"Need to prove return on investments (ROI)"
"Need to turn strategy into actions"
"Need to increase customer engagements through their lifecycle"
"Clarity to business goals to drive revenue opportunities"
"Get more conversations started, going to support our business"
"Send the right message to the right people at the right time"
"Design my audience experience and drive attendees to my event"
"Create strategic narrative to align my teams for my customers"
"Need to run paid media and social media outreach for B2B"
"Implement meaningful and impactful data integrations for business growth"
"Lower risk to manpower fluctuations to business continuity"
"Better retain institutional knowledge and experience in the company"

Some quick facts: 
  • Founders & Entrepreneurs from Hardware Zone
  • 25+ years of Digital Experience
  • 1st Google Adwords Authorised Reseller in Singapore
  • Pioneer Google Analytics Authorised Consultant in SEA
  • Google Premier Partner
  • META Business Partner
  • Linkedin Agency Partner
  • HubSpot Solutions Provider
  • HubSpot Partner Advisory Council 2021, 2022, 2023,2024 (4 years running)
  • Agile Scrum Certified
  • Total paid-up capital of SGD 2.23 million
  • Offices in Singapore and Malaysia and supporting our clients' digital aspirations in South East Asia and China
  • 500+ Digital Certifications across the dynamic teams in Singapore and Malaysia
  • Singapore’s Fastest Growing Companies 2021 - The Straits Times and Statista 2021
  • Top 500 FT Asia-Pacific High-Growth Companies 2021 - The Financial Times, Nikkei and Statista 2021
And check out our Values & Mission: https://www.clicktrue.biz/clicktrue-values-mission
If you're still reading, this means you're getting tired of "already paying for it" and getting more interested to grow better for your teams, clients, stakeholders. 

Our 6 Core Values

  1. #alwaysbelearning
    The world we live in is totally VUCA – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Nobody knows what the future of work looks like, but the one thing we know for sure is that adaptability and having a growth mindset will help us to stay afloat in this ever-changing world. It is tougher in this new era to have lifetime employment, but if we are always learning, we will always be able to pick up valuable skills that will help keep our options open and allow us to adapt to anything the future throws at us. We should never ever stop thinking, keeping our eyes and ears open. We recognise that everything and everyone offers us the chance to learn, unlearn and relearn. 

  2. #trustedteams
    Trust is the foundation of every great corporation. We believe that trust is essential for an effective team because it provides a sense of security, and allows for the team to gel together as a collective unit. Every single team member has a part to play in creating this safe community, and hence we conscientiously choose our new hires by inviting team members to conduct the final interview and assess the potential employee based on how well they can interact with fellow team members. The dynamic of the team is so important – the support and compassion that team members have for one another prevents the team from burning out. We are stronger together, as each individual brings a new set of unique skills to the table that will complement the strength of the team in both depth and breadth of expertise. By building trust and working together, a strong team-spirit will be formed that allows clickTRUE to delight our clients.

  3. #delightfullyresponsive
    With many clients, we have to manage many tabs at the same time. Being responsive and proactive allows us to provide exceptional service to our clients that will satisfy them. Even if we do not have an immediate solution to our clients problems, we will still acknowledge it, and go back and consider possible solutions that will solve our client’s issues. As soon as we have an acceptable solution, we will respond to our clients. Although speed is easy, quality is hard. We believe that although quality comes first, speed comes immediately next, influencing us to be #delightfullyresponsive to our clients in order to solve our client’s issues and to let our clients feel like they’re not alone in their challenges.

  4. #continuousimprovement
    We want our failures to be many small ones rather than one big one. We find one foot hurdles to jump over, not five foot ones. We always aim to constantly improve our team gradually, and learn from failures, rather than sweeping our failures and mistakes under the carpet, resulting in years of stagnation culminating in a disastrous incident that could cause the collapse of the company. Hence, we always take our customer feedback seriously. Even when our employees leave our company, we encourage them to leave us GlassDoor issues, especially when they have bad ones. These help us identify the gaps in our business and allow us to fix them before it affects us even more. 

  5. #sustainabilitymatters
    People, Profit, Planet. Those are the 3 bottom lines that we as a company live by. First and foremost, we prioritise our customers. It is in our blood to put our customers at the forefront of the business. In fact, that is exactly how inbound marketing works. We also prioritise our people. We aim to continuously upskill and develop the talents we have at our company. As such, we host a certification day each month, allowing our staff to stay up to date on the newest marketing know-how. Next, profit is something we base our business off. After all, a bankrupt company is not one that can delight its customers. In order to continue helping our customers and paying our employees, we have to run on a sustainable business model that ensures that the company does not collapse. Last but definitely not least, we have to do our duty to protect the planet and the environment. Hence, we always select our clients carefully, choosing those who help our 3 bottom lines. After all, as a business-to-business company, we inherit our clients’ souls. 

  6. #contagiousempathy
    A little kindness goes a long way. Both as individuals or as a company, we believe that empathy is the most important quality in life. Everybody has their own unique circumstances, be it background or financial conditions, that we might not be able to see. We must consciously put ourselves in their shoes and understand that everybody has their reasons. Hence, we always practise empathy, be it with our staff or our clients. We recognise that everyone is bound to make mistakes, so we help our employees embrace them, rather than reprimanding them. We also understand that our clients are just trying to meet their targets so we always try our best to meet their demands. Empathy is something that can not only improve interpersonal relationships, but prevent unnecessary misunderstandings.



Bonus :

If you are not ready to talk with us yet, here are 3 other ways that I can help you, all of which are 100% free.

  1. Download our FREE E-book of 10 Marketing tactics we used to help generate over S$3.2million of sales for our clients. Wait for the pop-up
  2. Read the posts on this site. we have written hundreds of different articles on all aspects of online marketing, tips and tricks, small business advertising, interviews. All of these articles are available absolutely free on this site.
  3. Attend our FREE 1-Hour webinar where we walk thru the exact digital marketing framework and strategies documented and tested after 24 months of helping SMEs skyrocket their sales.

You get all three of these benefits instantly when you sign up for the FREE E-book. You receive an update every time we post a new article to the blog, share new stories, or make a new training resource available… Claim your FREE E-Book now.

No time to lose? Connect for a free consult on your goals, pains, challenges and timeline today.


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We’ve been fortunate to have outstanding clients, many of whom we’ve become close friends with. We’ve also grown tremendously as a result of being entrepreneurs, and take pride in the work we’ve done. It’s been a satisfying ride so far.

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Our Corporate Philosophy

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We believe helping people buy is the best way to sell. We want to help build a better customer experience while making digital marketing less painful, uncomplicated and sustainable.


Develop an always be learning culture to become a more useful, helpful and holistic preferred marketing partner. Continuously seeking improvements to deliver TRUE value for our customers in an agile inbound way. Standardize for consistency. Contextualize for relevance. Optimize for clarity. Personalize for impact. Empathize for perspective.


People don’t want to be interrupted by marketers or harassed by salespeople. They want to be helped. Every day, actively investing in developing evergreen content that keeps contributing to traffic growth, building a brand and eventually generating sales — in short, guiding customers on marketing the Inbound way.
Culture is important. Get to know us better.